Aesthetic Symbols ʘ‿ʘ


Astrological Symbols 🌒︎☽⚶Click to Copy


Astrological Symbols Copy and Paste 🌒︎☽⚶

Astrology employs a set of symbols to represent celestial bodies, zodiac signs, and other significant elements. These symbols carry deep meanings and serve as visual representations within astrological charts and writings. Here are some prominent astrological symbols:

1.Sun Symbol (☉): The sun symbol represents vitality, life force, and the core essence of an individual's identity. It signifies self-expression, creativity, and personal power within the birth chart.

2.Moon Symbol (☽): The moon symbolizes emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind. It reflects our nurturing instincts, emotional needs, and receptivity to change.

3.Planetary Symbols: Astrology employs symbols to represent the planets, such as Mercury (☿), Venus (♀), Mars (♂), Jupiter (♃), Saturn (♄), Uranus (♅), Neptune (♆), and Pluto (♇). These symbols are used to depict the planetary positions and their influences within a birth chart.